Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reading Buddies Found at Tom Joy

The fifth graders at Ensworth took a special trip to Tom Joy School Tuesday to meet new friends and share their love for reading. Each marking period the fifth graders visit Tom Joy with the primary focus of reading good books. Tuesday was "Get Acquainted Day", where each fifth grader from Ensworth is paired with a 1st grader from Tom Joy. The fifth graders made "All About Me" books before going and shared these with their new friends. They also read books with them and did some Halloween themed drawings. Between visits the students send pictures and letters to the Tom Joy students to help foster relationships. Throughout the year the fifth grade collects gently used uniform clothing for the Tom Joy students and books to add to their classroom libraries.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Miss Evie Coates...more than just your student's art teacher!

Most Ensworth students and parents know her by Miss Coates, one of the 3 art teachers on the Red Gable campus. However, this past Friday night, Miss Coates revealed to the Ensworth community what makes her more than just your average art teacher.

With the opening of the new theater on the EHS campus, came the opportunity and space for art to be displayed in a museum like setting. This truly multifunctional building has allowed the arts to intertwine and a variety of art mediums to be highlighted in one building.

Miss Coates show entitled "Awakening Songs" opened to a crowd of eager Ensworth community members waiting to see what goes on outside the classroom and in her own studio. The pieces, as described by Evie herself are all "watercolor and found object assemblage.” "At least eight years’ worth of weathered boards, rusty hardware, old tin cans, vintage buttons and time-stained hymnals await me in my studio. In each piece that I produce I seek out the opportunities for nuance and connection between the painting and any of the found objects that lie scattered about. Some pieces that I find stay with me for four or five years before they find their final homes" adds Evie.

In addition, Evie describes "the portions of lyrics you see in these works have come from a well-worn hymnal that belonged to my grandmother Hazel. That book is simply titled, Awakening Songs. I have always had a profound love for the relationship between written word and imagery; exploring this connection was a significant step in the process of creating this body of work. My fascination with those who have gone before, my love for the lustre of age, and my belief in these time-honored missives of hope and peace have served soundly as my inspiration.

I would suggest if you haven't yet, to stop by the EHS Theater and check out her work!

The show will run through December 11th.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cross Country Tigers

Ensworth's Cross Country teams made their mark at yesterday's City Championships. The EHS girls' Cross Country team won the 1st place championship trophy at the Metro Nashville City Meet. The boys' team placed second in the competition. For the girls, Sarah B. DeLozier was individual runner-up. Five EHS runners placed in the top 10, and 7 placed in the top 18. The Girls have won 4 of 5 meets and finished second once.

The Tiger boys were City team runners-up. Garrett Carmichael is the Individual City Champion, and 4 EHS runners placed in the top 8. Congratulations!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Middle school students get a visit from Ardi

Okay, so the oldest known skeleton didn't actually visit the Ensworth campus today! However, the middle school students did have the privilege to skype (video conference) with Dr. Tim White, project co-director and paleontologist Professor of the Human Evolution Research Center at the University of California Berkeley, and one of the members of the team that discovered Ardi. Ardi is a 4.4 million year old female partial skeleton discovered in the Ethiopian desert on a investigation that started 17 years ago. After a brief introduction from Dr. White on Ardi, a select number of students were invited to ask Dr. White questions. Walking up to the computer screen, the students were given the opportunity to engage in a conversation with Dr. White as he answered the questions most interesting to them. " What made you become a scientist?" asked Eden Chaberski. Another student wondered, “What do you think Ardi sounded like?". The students listened intently as Dr. White described what he looks for in a fossil site, what you can learn from studying fossils, and what he learned about human development through his discovery of Ardi. Thanks to Skype and Dr. White, the students were able to connect what they learn in the classroom to actual current events that are shaping science today.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Special Olympics Come to Ensworth

On Wednesday, Oct. 7 the Ensworth 10th grade class worked hard and played hard with some Special Olympic athletes during their Service Learning Day. Each year the sophomore class puts together a Special Olympics Sports Festival to help train athletes for Special Olympics of Tennessee. The Ensworth students offered a variety of Olympic-type sports for children with intellectual disabilities. The entire 10th grade class divided into six groups to lead drills and training in basketball, track & field, soccer, flag football, bocce and volleyball. The participants rotated through each sports station, having an opportunity to experience and learn skills in each activity. The weather was beautiful and all the Ensworth students and faculty get involved in this very special day!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Senior Class Ring Ceremony

On Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Ensworth Class of 10' celebrated the honored tradition of the Senior Class Ring Ceremony. The entire senior class forms a large circle filling up the gym while Headmaster Moseley, along with other EHS faculty, call out each individual senior name and pass around their ring to everyone in the circle. The purpose is for every senior to touch all the rings of their fellow classmates promoting unity and a strong bond within the class. After the ceremony the senior class and their advisors were treated to a special catered lunch in the practice gym to enjoy time with friends and faculty.

Monday, October 5, 2009

"So, What Did You Do At School Today?"

Welcome to the first ever Ensworth Blog! Here you will be introduced to the inner workings and day to day life of all that is Ensworth. You will get to see first hand what students are up to inside and outside the classroom. See what the pre-1st students made in art class, visit a high school assembly, get the inside scoop of the Middle School play rehearsal or follow students as they participate in their grade wide service learning projects. This blog will serve as a source to what is new at both the Red Gables and Devon Farms campus. Whether your student is a 12th grader or a pre-1st grader this blog is a great spot to see all the fun and exciting things that happen at Ensworth everyday!