Monday, October 26, 2009

Miss Evie Coates...more than just your student's art teacher!

Most Ensworth students and parents know her by Miss Coates, one of the 3 art teachers on the Red Gable campus. However, this past Friday night, Miss Coates revealed to the Ensworth community what makes her more than just your average art teacher.

With the opening of the new theater on the EHS campus, came the opportunity and space for art to be displayed in a museum like setting. This truly multifunctional building has allowed the arts to intertwine and a variety of art mediums to be highlighted in one building.

Miss Coates show entitled "Awakening Songs" opened to a crowd of eager Ensworth community members waiting to see what goes on outside the classroom and in her own studio. The pieces, as described by Evie herself are all "watercolor and found object assemblage.” "At least eight years’ worth of weathered boards, rusty hardware, old tin cans, vintage buttons and time-stained hymnals await me in my studio. In each piece that I produce I seek out the opportunities for nuance and connection between the painting and any of the found objects that lie scattered about. Some pieces that I find stay with me for four or five years before they find their final homes" adds Evie.

In addition, Evie describes "the portions of lyrics you see in these works have come from a well-worn hymnal that belonged to my grandmother Hazel. That book is simply titled, Awakening Songs. I have always had a profound love for the relationship between written word and imagery; exploring this connection was a significant step in the process of creating this body of work. My fascination with those who have gone before, my love for the lustre of age, and my belief in these time-honored missives of hope and peace have served soundly as my inspiration.

I would suggest if you haven't yet, to stop by the EHS Theater and check out her work!

The show will run through December 11th.

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