Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tiger Topic of the Week (Service Learning!)

Ensworth's commitment to giving back continued today as a campus wide Service Learning day took place at EHS. Service Learning is an important part of the curriculum for Ensworth HS students. Through the program students study and research issues and problems in the community before actively participating in efforts to improve those situations.

The 10th grade students hosted the Ensworth Sports Festival for Special Olympics. With it's largest attendance yet, 380 participants, Ensworth students worked to help train the athletes in the events they will be participating in during the Special Olympics. Events included football, volleyball, boccie ball, basketball, soccer, and many more!

Taking place off campus, the 9th grade explored the history and development of the Ensworth High School campus in Discovery of the Ensworth Campus. The 11th grade students divided up into small groups and chose different service learning projects from an approved list based on what they were interested in doing. As a senior, each student is required to develop an individual service learning project based on their own passions and desires. Through out the course of the year, each student will fulfill certain requirements in order to graduate including on-site service hours, an essay, and a project portfolio.

For more information on the Service Learning Program at Ensworth High School click here:

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